We help students achieve their dreams by preparing them for university in the U.S. or anywhere in the world.

A catalog of 300+ digital courses, guided by national standards

Qualified, U.S. based teachers who are native English speakers

Programs with valuable credentials that build English proficiency

Accredited by Cognia, a global network of 40,000 schools in 90 countries.
Accreditation and Affiliations
As a fully accredited K-12 school, we are proud of our affiliations with some of the highest quality institutions in the world.
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Our University Admissions Guarantee
University admission is guaranteed to students who successfully complete our U.S. high school diploma.
Learn About Our University Guarantee

University Admissions Guarantee
U.S. Dual Diploma Program
A path to English-speaking universities—and success—for international students! Earn a U.S. high school diploma from Columbia School.
Other Ways We Can Work With Your Students

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We support you in delivering high quality programs with easy implementation to students with big dreams.
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